Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 - Back on the Paleo Wagon

Last year passed us by in its speed. So many changes as our little family of three grew into a family of four. My little baby boy is growing into a little man with a mind of his own, one that is very hard to change when he really decides to take a stand. The biggest fight is definitely at the dinner table. I told myself this year would be different and I need to keep reminding myself that patience and determination will win out eventually. Considering how much I enjoy cooking, the fact that LMG refuses to eat what is put in front of him has brought me all kinds of stress and frustrations. Here is a kid who eats well at breakfast and eats his lunch pretty good most of the time, so I know I need to step back and be less upset if dinner isn't consumed every night. That said, the fact that he seems to enjoy this fight (and refuses to get down from the table, while refusing to eat at the table) leads to me feeling exasperated at the end of the meal and ready for the wind down to bed. Being a parent is a difficult job, and I do believe that there is so much judgement placed on mothers these days to be perfect, that we often hide behind this facade of wonderful happiness all the time. I love my children, and I am very blessed they are happy, healthy, and bring me such joy but it does bring some headaches and moments of exasperation and frustration, tears and fears and stress. So, this year I am going to embrace every aspect of motherhood while trying to be the best I can be for myself. With the New Year, my husband and I decided to get back to eating Paleo, which had some wonderful effects on my digestive issues. I felt better, healthier, and lighter than I had in a long time. So for the last week and a bit, I have jumped back on and embraced the easier meals to be found under the Paleo heading and I am going to share them with you as we work towards getting our picky eater into a better place.

I will say the wonderful thing that so far God has granted us is a second child who will eat absolutely everything and anything that is put in front of her. I pray every day that she sticks with this mentality because one picky eater is enough in our house.

I will be typing up a few meals all at once as I meant to start this up again last week.

Cheers and enjoy!!!

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